Winter Holidays

For me, winter holidays are like the Halley's Comet, it just shows up after a lot of years in absence. It's like a myth or a fairy tale; we are just supposed to believe in it till it "happens". And if a recall correctly, last time we had one was on 2014.
We all know we have a tendency on this university to go to strike, and thanks to that, and that I'm not really from this city, i had made the habit not to plan my winter holidays as i can't really escape from here. And this hasn't been a terrible problem for me as this habit forced me into a tendency of making short-term plans, usually on the spot, on the week, or even for the day. Nowadays i just deal with it and i prepare myself mentally every year just to forget the winter holidays, so i can focus on September holidays. Those are the real holidays that no one can mess with, not even a strike.
Before this tendency i usually stayed home, played some videogames, watched some series, movies or anime and hanged out with my school friends every once in a while. Besides that, there were the classics "drag son's in" situations, where the parents drag you to whatever winter holidays they had planned for the family. Of course, after the strikes started happening, my parents started to slowly forget about family planned holidays and adopted my pessimistic view about it. Now we all just look forward to September to plan our idealistic retreats.

So for this year i would say that i don't really have plans, but i'll just see what comes at my front door. I think i will have a good time nonetheless.


  1. When the faculty go the strike, nobody thinks in the winter holidays of the region people.

  2. I always think in this sentences when strikes comes: Please, somebody want to think in Winter Holidays?!

    (Invite me to your "latifundium" in Puerto Montt)


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