Changes to my study program

For the pursose of this blog i'll be starting by telling you all that this is my last year, so it is to my knowledge that there are a lot of changes going on at our faculty and our carrer, so you better keep that in mind.

So the first thing is talking about the subjects we study. I don't really have a problem with most of the subject we had to study during our time here, i think my major problem was that i always felt that the elective courses were like a mash-up of thematics, with little to no correlation between them. Also, if there is a god out there, i got to thank him for changing the teacher of the third course of Stadistics, he did not know anything about teaching. I made the choice to drop the subject when i noticed that i wasn't learning anything by the end of the semester. Of course i have no regrets for it, as i took it the year after that.

About the Faculty, id say that it's a bit odd on my spectrum of feelings. I like the look of it, but i hated, really hated, having some classes with bad acoustic and like 60 people on the smaller room. And besides that, we never got the chance to grow fond of the our space, i remember that we had some classes moving around the campus, the first year we were having classes at Arts, the second one we were able to use the newly built teaching blocks, and i dont know. I dont feel the "faculty" like "our" faculty, and now with the new building is mostly the same.

I think there are thing about the technology that got to be updated. I mean, we got awesome computers now, but we still need to be up to date with statistics software. I still remember that we had a lot of trouble on our first years as we tried to use SPSS and a lot of the computers on the faculty had an really old version of it.-

So i think that would be what i had to mention about this subject, i think that we are moving forward to a getting a better study program and having good technology and infrastructure.


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